Online Clickertraining


Why Clickertraining?
Course name

Dear Dog Owner,
have you ever stopped to think about how boring a dog‘s life must be, if the dog never has a chance to use his intelligence or his physical skills? Can you imagine lying around the whole day just waiting for someone to take you out for a walk? Going out for a walk is sometimes the only high note on a dog‘s day.After (maybe) a one hour walk, they come back home and know they will have to wait again for hours until their next chance to get out again. Dogs are extremely intteligent animals and they love to learn new things. It is not very suprising when they start looking for a relief out of their boredom by, for example, destroying your furniture. The good news is: it is so easy to let a dog use his intelligence and creativity! Even old dogs still have the capability to learn and they have a lot of fun doing it.

Not only your dog will profit from clicker training, but you will, too. Dogs do not live very long. Each second you let go by is one second less in their life that you could have spent doing achieving something together with him. It is a great comfort to know that you have done everything possible to make your dog‘s life more interesting and less boring. When my dog leaves this earth someday, there will certainly be an enormous pain, but I will be totally sure, that I have not wasted our time together.

With this online course, I‘d like to offer you a possibility to spend quality time with your dog. In our first online course „Clickertraining for beginners“, you will learn how to use a clicker. A clicker is a tool with which you can teach your dog anything he is physically capable of. For some examples, have a look at our DogDancing Choreographies or at the DogDancing Exercises. And you will not have to force your dog to do anything. He is going to do it, because it‘s fun. Your dog will learn to try new things out. You will learn to understand the way your dog thinks.You are going to laugh a lot and sometimes you will be astonished at your dog‘s ideas. You will certainly want to tell other people about it. So that is why this course is divided in three parts:

1) Theory: In this part of the course, you will learn about the principles behind clicker training and I will invite you to try several exercises with your dog. All explanations are very detailed, so that you will always know why you are doing what you are doing.
2) Video clips: Upon registering, you will receive a user ID and a password, with which you can „walk“ into our classroom. In your classroom, you will find a video clip to each one of the exercises in the theoretical part. In these video clips, my dog and I will show you, how each exercise should be performed. You can download them and watch them as often as you like.
3) Class forum: After you have done an exercise with your dog, you will have a chance to tell your other classmates about it in your class forum. Tell them how the exercise went and read their reports. Of course, you can also send me your questions either through the forum or directly to

During this first online course, your dog will already learn several small tricks. You will soon notice how astonished other dog owners will be, when you show them the things your dog has learned. Those are really very simple exercises, but most dog owners don‘t have a clue as to how easy it is to teach a dog something.

A dog trained with positive training methods (for example, with a clicker) is a dog that likes doing what his owner asks him to do.You can count on him. Just imagine how few people would hate dogs, if every dog owner just took the time to create a relationship with his dog in which both can count on each other.

And, if you don‘t have too much time to spend on your dog‘s education, this online course is exactly what you have been waiting for. You decide when you are going to do each exercise with your dog. You can start the course whenever you want and do each step whenever you have the time for it.

An online course is much less expensive than a week-end course. Moreover, you don‘t always find a course nearby and perhaps you even would have to travel a great distance and stay overnight, in order to take a course with your dog. However, the huge advantage of this online course is that you will always have access to your classmates and of course to me, if you have any questions. When you‘ve been to a week-end course, you some times come back home and want to start applying the things you‘ve learned, but then you notice, that you still have some questions. Well, then it is too late. The course is over and the trainer is not available anymore. Here, you will always have the chance to ask anything you want.

Of course I know, that not every one is capable of learning from home. It takes some discipline to follow through on your exercises. So that is why I‘m offering you a free trial, before you book the complete course. The free trial course is actually the beginning of the complete course until the first exercise. You will be able to download the first video clip and try the first exercise with your dog. You will also have access to a forum, in which you can tell your class mates how the exercise went. You user ID and your password will be valid for one week. When you‘ve done the first exercise, if you like it and want to do the other exercises as well, you can then book the complete course. You have nothing to loose.

Paco and I wish you a wonderful time and please greet your dog for us!

PS: We always be expanding the range of our courses. Have a look at this page now and then.

Online Clickertraining: Free Trial
0,0 Euro
Online Clickertraining: Basic Course for Beginners
35,00 Euro

In order to find out, how much the courses cost in your country's currency click on the link below


Two live demos (videoclips): If you would like to see what clickertraining looks like, then please download this video clip:

1. "Close the drawer": The goal of this exercise is for Paco to close an open drawer with his nose. I am not going to say a word to him in the process. The clicker is going to be his only source of information. This video clip was not editted and we had never trained this exercise before. Just watch how fast you can teach your dog something new!!!

Close the drawer: 7:00 Min.11,5 MB

Puppies understand the principles of clickertraining, too!

2. "Unroll the matt": The goal of this exercise is for Timber to unroll a rubber matt with his nose. Timber was 10.5 weeks old at the time. Please notice his enthusiastic reaction, whenever he hears the clicker.

Unroll the matt: 10:00 Min.7,3 MB

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Some different types of clicker